What A Disaster
Give this some thought:
What would happen if - right now - your hard drive crashed? What important documents would you lose? What about projects? E-mails? Web addresses? Pictures? Software? I get panicked e-mails every day where that very scenario played out, but without a backup, there's not much that can be done.
Unfortunately, backing up is a pain - or is it? Well, we just came across a fantastic program called Backup Now Deluxe that takes backing up to the next level! I have seen a lot of easy to use backup programs, but this has got to be the best of the bunch! It backs up in just 3 easy steps (click here for screen shots)!
Step 1 - Pick your files. Either backup specific files / folders or backup your entire hard drive. Whatever you like, it's all done with simple little checkboxes!
Step 2 - Pick the destination you want to backup to (i.e. your CD-R / RW drive) and give the backup job a name.
Step 3 - Decide if you want to back up every file or just the files that have changed since your last backup.
That's it! Complete those steps, and the program will backup your files to your CD-R / RW drive! If you need more than one CD, it will prompt you to put additional disks in as needed. Told you it was easy!
Now, if you want to get more involved for some reason, it allows that too. You can tell it to compress or not to compress, to compare backed up files to originals, to overwrite CD-RW media or not, allow you to exclude certain file types, password protect your backup, do scheduled backups, and tons more.
This is simply the best way I've ever found to do backups. It's easy, it's quick, and it's convenient. It's also a PC magazine editor's choice, so you know it's not just me saying it's great.
The price? Well, this retails for $79.95, but your price is only $29.97! And US shipping is FREE! Limited quantities, so head to the site below ASAP!
PS - This is fantastic software, and everyone I've shown it to is asking me to hold them a copy! Be sure to get to the site today to get yours! Think about what would happen if you lost all your data - right now. Would you be able to recover? With this software, it's no problem.
Remember, it's not a question of "if" you're going to need backup, it's a question of "when". Isn't your data worth $29.97??
Oh, and we still have our Buy 3 and get 15% off deal through this Sunday (Nov. 3rd 2002). So, stock up while you can!
Office 101
Let's take a quick
minute to expand on Tuesday's "Save All" tip.
On Tuesday, we discussed
that when you hold the Shift key down and go to the File
menu you get a new command on the menu, Save All.
Take a look at the
command just above Save All...
See it?
Close All pretty
much works like you'd expect it to. It will close all open documents while
leaving MS Word up and running.
Now it's All
at your fingertips...
Tip of the Day
Custom Shortcut Keys In MS Word
Are you a keyboard
enthusiast who finds yourself constantly wishing you had a shortcut key
combination for one thing or another? Maybe a keyboard combination for
the "Save All" trick from Tuesday's newsletter?
If your answer is
"Yes!" and you're a Word user then this is a tip for you. (I
tried this in Excel and PowerPoint and couldn't find it - but it's still
a great trick for MS Word!)
To begin, go to the
Tools menu, Customize choice.
In the Customize
window, go to the Commands tab.
You're looking for
the Keyboard button at the bottom of the window. Click it.
You should be taken
to the Customize Keyboard window.
You need to find and
highlight the function you'd like to set a keyboard shortcut for in the
Categories and Commands lists (located in the upper left).
For example, to set
a shortcut for "Save All," I would select the File
category and the FileSaveAll command.
At this point, take
a quick look in the "Current keys" box. If something is listed
there, then there is already a keyboard shortcut for that operation and
you can use one of the combinations listed.
For the commands that
have no shortcut key combination defined, click into the "Press
new shortcut key" box then press a key combination.
Whatever keys you
press will be displayed in the box below the words "Press new shortcut
Just below that box,
the words "Currently assigned to:" will appear. If it says unassigned
then click the Assign button. (As you can see Alt+S was unassigned
and with a click of the Assign button it would be assigned to the Save
All command in Word on my computer.)
** If a command is
reported below "Currently assigned to:" then think twice about
clicking the Assign button. Be sure you really want to replace the original
meaning of the keys with your new meaning.
If you want to try
another combination, then hit the Backspace key and try another
key combination.
At any rate, once
you've got an previously unassigned combination that works for you, click
the Assign button.
You'll still be in
the Customize Keyboard window, allowing you to repeat the process for
another command should you choose to do so.
When you've made all
your changes simply click the Close button.
You'll be taken back
to the Customize window where you can click the Close button there
and be on your way with one major difference - you'll have more keyboard
If only it were so
easy to get more control over the rest of our lives